Выковырял я недавно из закромов документ Best of Quora. Давно собирался его посмотреть, но все как-то лень было, а потом вообще забыл. И только недавно обнаружил его снова в старых записях Evernote.
Занятное чтение, возможно, и вам понравится. Вот прямая ссылка на pdf.
Из особо понравившихся вопросов/ответов:
- How do Indians feel when they go back to live in India after living in US for 5+ years?
- What are some common stereotypes about Irish people that are largely untrue?
- Why are lawyers so expensive even with the excess supply of lawyers?
- How do boys feel about girls who don’t expend much effort on appearances (e.g., clothes, makeup)?
- My kids have started learning chess. Is it a good idea to let them beat me sometimes to encourage them? Отвечает, кстати, основатель Википедии — Джимми Уэйлс.
- Why is U2 so popular?
- What are some things that airline pilots won’t tell you?
- Does bouncing your leg improve cognition?
- Why do living things die?
- How do actors’ spouses feel about love scenes in film and TV?
- Do Olympic or competitive swimmers ever pee in the pool?
- What does it feel like to be stupid?
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